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Artificial leather cleaning and maintenance guide


Artificial leather is a plastic product that looks and feels like leather and can replace it. Artificial leather has a wide range of applications. There are more and more artificial leather clothes, bags, shoes, sofas, etc. So, how should they be cleaned and maintained if they are dirty? What is special about the cleaning of artificial leather? How to clean artificial leather so as not to damage the leather? Let’s introduce it to everyone, let’s take a look!
1. It can only be washed by hand, not soaked in hot water, and the water temperature cannot exceed 40 degrees, because hot water will damage the fiber structure of the base fabric.
2. Pay attention to the choice of cleaning agent. It is best not to wash directly with water. Buy a cleaning agent for artificial leather clothes on the market, or use a soft cloth dipped in soapy water to wipe, and then wash with warm water. Remember not to wash with gasoline.
3. After washing, hang it to dry in a ventilated place, and do not expose it to the sun. After drying, it should be placed in a dry and cool place, do not fold, do not put heavy objects on it, and do not touch some organic solvents.
4. If the artificial leather is stained with oil stains, it can be cleaned with a damp cloth and transparent soap. The artificial leather is absolutely clean without fear of water!

5. About the maintenance of artificial leather. Do not rub or collide artificial leather clothing or bags with hard and rough objects to avoid damage to the surface coating. The coating film of synthetic leather is thin, so it should not be baked near the stove or heater to prevent the leather surface from being damaged. Also, it should not be contaminated with corrosive chemicals such as acid and alkali.